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Best of luck to Ashley Gold (American Jewelry & Pawn) with her new endeavor.  She’s off to a great start!

Leading the way to becoming a role model and breaking another stereotype associated with the  Pawnbroker business.


Episode One: Les Gold

Les is the patriarch of the family behind American Jewelry & Loan in Detroit. In a quote from his New York Times Bestselling Book, he says “I am lucky enough to have an unusual job. As a pawnbroker, my business goes in so many directions, there’s no such thing as a typical day at work. One day, I might be taking in a 1965 Bentley in pawn. The next I might be running out into the street after someone who’s just lifted a gold chain. Dealing with the unexpected is one of the reasons I became a pawnbroker—and learning to love the craziness is one of the reasons I’m so good at it.

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